We believe that children learn through play and we value that play is a crucial part of a child's development.
Indivdual learning plans are created and are based on children's individual needs, strengths and learning dispositions. Parents and whānau are encouraged to regularly contribute their aspirations for their tamariki. Learning outcomes are based on the 5 Te Whaariki strands. This enables kaiako to provide support to the tamariki in the learning environment thorughout the day.

Individual Portfolios
The staff at each centre are very committed to providing the very best quality care and education for the children. As a record of your child's development and in accordance with Te Whaariki (NZ Early Childhood Curriculum) we keep an individual portfolio of your child's progress at the centre.
This portfolio will contain artwork, photos, observations, learning stories and individual plans which will be sent home periodically for you to look at and comment on. We encourage you to talk with us about your child's development at any time.
Teachers use portfolios to capture and organize children’s learning. Share children’s learning stories, growth and other information (such as photos) with parents.
Parents can easily access the portfolio to obtain their children’s latest learning update and provide feedback to teachers, helping children achieve a better learning outcome.
In accordance with the individual portfolio we also use Educa, Educa is an interactive online secure web-based portfolio (known as a ePortfolio) of a child’s growth and development at an early childhood centre. It allows parents and early childhood teachers to share a child’s journey and gain valuable feedback.
Educa enables busy parents, wider whanau, and overseas family to provide timely feedback on learning stories, photos and videos so we can gain valuable insight to improve children’s learning and parental engagement. Educa is easy to use; just simply log on wherever you are.
Learning stories, photos, videos can be downloaded and printed but we provide you with a hard copy which is also kept in a centre for your keeping.